Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day on the Playground

Well, I have to start somewhere and here I am. It's like the first day of school. I am not sure what to expect but like years past, I am optimistic for a good school year. In this case, I am hoping for a good blog.

First, I hope this blog log will be a source of information for events and deals for the Orlando metro area to include Seminole (shout out), Orange and Volusia counties. It started because so many of my friends told me I am already doing this but just not in this format. So, I hope to continue to inform my old friends and new friends on all the good things going around and also how to do them without incurring too much cost. If you know me, you know I love a deal!!!!

For those of you who don't know me, I am a Mom to two wild and wonderful boys who don't like sitting still. I'm resourceful and always looking for things to do. I have been married for ten years to the most wonderful man and the biggest Yankee fan I know, who doesn't like sitting still either!

So, here goes nothing. I hope you find my blog interesting and helps you have more fun things to do in your life while saving some $$ at the same time.


1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You are meant to do this! Since I basically find out all my happenings through you...including the allergy report ;)
